Climb Fit
These classes are designed for intermediate to advanced climbers looking to supplement their climbing with on-the-wall exercises that will help them achieve their climbing goals. This class can be helpful for to push through plateaus, but it is recommended that you can climb most v2s in the gym to be adequately prepared for this class.
Each class will consist of
a warm up to get ready to try hard
on-the-wall exercises to improve strength, power endurance and stamina
climbing technique tips and tricks
Classes are led by one of our experienced coaches and offered at the times below.
Wednesdays in San Marcos | 6:00 - 7:00 pm
(512) 667-7452
Mondays in San Antonio | 7:15 - 8:30 pm
(210) 538-8400
Classes are $5 for members or $10 + pass for non-members, with a max class size of 6. Reservations are available below. If you cannot attend, please call the gym using the correct phone number above so we can offer the spot to someone else.